In the short story "The Landlady" by Roalh Dahl we encounter a young man named Billy. He just got off the train from London and is looking for a place to sleep. He finds an attractive Bed and Breakfast and decides to stay there because of its low price. After the somewhat creepy landlady shows him his room, he proceeds to sign a book with all of his personal data. There he sees two names, Gregory Temple and Christopher Mulholand. After wondering for a couple of minutes, Billy realizes that those are the names of two men who went missing a couple of years ago. Then he is offered some tea, which he accepts but soon realizes that it has been poisoned. As Billy dies, we find out the landladies plan which is to conserve the body like Temples or Mulhollands.
Roalh Dahl writing is amazing, given his strong use of imagery which helps the reader visualize the story.
Billy Weaver had traveled down from London on the
slow afternoon train, with a change at Reading on the way, and by the time he
got to Bath, it was about nine o’clock in the evening, and the moon was coming
up out of a clear starry sky over the houses opposite the station entrance. But
the air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his
This short peace pulled from the story is one of many examples of imagery. By reading this we can have a much stronger image of the night in which Billy arrived .
Nevertheless, Dahls strongest suit is characterization. Dahl's has a characterization much stronger than other authors and this gives his story a bigger depth.
She seemed terribly nice. She looked exactly like
the mother of one’s best school friend welcoming one into the house to stay for
the Christmas holidays. Billy took off his hat and stepped over the threshold.
This is how Dalh describes the Landlady in Billy's perspective. By reading this, we can understand very clearly the type of character Billy perceives her to be. This is so good because Dalh connects her to someone in our lifes and we can imagine her very clearly.
The message of the story is very important because it helps us protect ourselves by never trusting strangers. Dalh's writing is tested in his stories and he never dissapoints. This story is very good because it has a strong imagery and characterization, which gives the story a depth unlike any other.
Michael Buble Singing Christmas classic "Let It Snow"
Michael Buble Singing Christmas classic "Let It Snow"