Tuesday, November 18, 2014



1. After my interview with the book "The Giver" I came to a series of conclusions. The book will be a Dystopia, meaning that there will seem like a bright and promising future but in reality it is not what it seems and it carries a lot of lies. The plot I believe that will be about a kid named Jonas who will be     commissioned with a the job of the receiver of memories. This job I believe will be about him knowing true memories of pain, joy and pleasure. From that point the plot will be based on the givers teachings to Jonas and his reactions to his new job.

2. When the author Lois Lowry says "For all the children to whom we entrust the future" in her dedication page I believe she means that this book is dedicated to the children given that they are the future. The book is about Jonas who is commissioned with this huge role and the whole society rest on his shoulders. Given that the author created the books main character in a kid with big responsibilities she believes that kids are the future of the world.

3. As the book advance sand evolves into new ideas and problems one of my predictions is that Jonas will be overwhelmed by so many memories and will start doubting his capacity to do the job and will be temped to quit.